Your dedicated production department
From our purpose built, legal document services production department, LSG produces a full range of supporting information for our clients’ legal matters.
24/7, flexible service
We provide a 24/7 service in order to deliver full and timely support for the most aggressive deadlines. Our significant capacity helps accommodate the shortest of short lead times. We have a dedicated Quality Control workflow, separate scanning stations, and provide disaster recovery services for document management companies.
Our Legal Document Services include:
- Unitization / LDD
- Bibliographic Coding
- Data Entry
- Bates Capture
- Bates Endorsement
- OCR & OCR Clean-Up
- PDF Hyperlinking & Bookmarking
- Image Conversion (TIF/PDF/JPG)
- Image Review & Correction
- MS Excel Formatting
- Paralegal & Back-Office Support
- eDiscovery QC
- Relativity Project Management
Streamline your litigation support services with LSG
Our expert legal team knows how to get the job done! We
- Reduce your operating costs significantly
- Help you save on time, resources and energy
- Follow international standards of data security
- Offer quality, cost-effective litigation support services